Monday 5 September 2011

Jason McDonald

Name: Jason McDonald

Name of work: Halcyone Days (photograph courtesy of Lindsay Terry)
Media used: Mixed (acrylic, India ink and other pigments on paper, textiles and canvas).

Description: In Greek mythology, “Halcyone Days” refers to the tragic heroin Alcyone. Ceyx, Alcyone’s lover, is murdered by Zeus after the couple unwittingly offend the god. Overcome by fear and anguish Alcyone then meets with her own tragic demise by flinging herself into the sea to perish. As a result, the other gods take pity on the pair and transform them into Halcyone birds, traditionally known as the kingfisher. Every year following the transformation, Alcyones' father, Aeolus, god of the winds holds back wind and waves for seven days so that she may lay her eggs upon a floating nest to rear her young. These seven days became known as Halcyone days.

Contemporary use of the phrase ”Halcyone Days” means to fondly remember a period considered peaceful and idyllic.

In modern times, the drug Halcyon is a sedative prescribed in cases of severe insomnia.



  1. Photo courtesy of Lindsay Terry.

    Contact Update:

    The Wordpress site has been abandoned and cannibalised, for the most part.

    Thank you,


  2. Thanks Jason, I've updated the link and photo credit of your work
